The unique awesomeness a bizdad brings to fatherhood, relationships and self-care

As bizdads, we have this undeniable gene called the Entrepreneurship gene. Some of us are running full-blown businesses, some are running a side project for profit or as a fundraiser and some or feeling the urge inside to launch their first business. This driver inside of us inspires us to see life different from others. What we want for our kids. What we know is possible for our kid. How much we are willing to risk in order to teach our kids these very beliefs.
In this very first episode, I talk about the following:
– 3 promises I am committed to keep
– My ‘Glorious Fall From Grace’ story
– What is and why DudeBuddha
– The father movements around the world
– sneak preview of the first guest on the show
Connect with me! Would love to hear from you!
Instagram – Awesome Classy Bizdads
Instagram – Awesome Fit Bizdads
Facebook – The Dad Edge – Real Dads with Purpose (by Larry Hagner – founder of The Good Dad Project Podcast and the Dad Edge Alliance Mastermind)
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